Regardless of size, private estate and home security involves offering personal protection for each and every home. With a wealth of experience, Stratton Security Group offers excellent, trustworthy, and accountable private estate security and protection. We have patrolled individual residences using cars in addition to providing static security. Property owners want protection, tranquility, and a sense of security these days. This security environment is offered by Stratton Security Group.

Our officers have experience in a variety of estate settings. Both "inside the gate" and perimeter security are covered by us. Many of our estate security tasks have involved vacant homes whose owners were on vacation or otherwise absent from the country for protracted periods of time.

Our estate security could consist of one or two officers, or it could be a team of officers specifically trained to guard the area. Our police are well-aware of any potentially violent or dangerous circumstances. Many of our estate security guards are former peace officers or are not on duty. A sizable percentage also have military experience. High net worth individuals, celebrities, and those in the entertainment industry have all been among our previous clientele. Our background enables us to instill stability and peace of mind in the property and its residents with ease. Our estate security specialists are highly skilled communicators and speakers.