At Stratton Security Group, we know that the stakes in major construction projects are incredibly high. When it comes to safeguarding apartment complexes, universities, and large commercial buildings, the cost of security breaches can be devastating. Imagine the financial toll of site theft—losses can soar into the millions, and delays can push your project weeks behind schedule.

Our expert team is equipped with the experience and expertise to seamlessly integrate into your operations, offering proactive and immediate solutions to prevent such costly setbacks. With our comprehensive security measures, you can rest assured that your project is protected from threats, allowing you to focus on what matters most: the successful completion of your project. Don’t let theft and delays jeopardize your hard work.


⁍ Have you experienced any incidents of copper theft?

⁍ Have any of your tools gone missing?

⁍ Have you had unauthorized individuals on-site after hours?

⁍ Do you have any wet cement or sensitive setups that require extra protection?

⁍ Is there any political opposition to your project that you need to be aware of?

⁍ Are you worried about meeting OSHA safety standards?

⁍ Are you concerned about the risk of bystanders entering hazardous areas and potentially injuring themselves?

⁍ Are you facing challenges with securing large equipment and machinery on-site?

⁍ Have you encountered issues with vandalism or property damage?

⁍ Do you need to manage and monitor site access for multiple contractors and personnel?

⁍ Are you worried about the potential for insider theft or employee misconduct?


Picture your construction site as a thriving hub of progress, but also a potential minefield. The stakes are high: without stringent security, your valuable materials and equipment are at risk of theft, damage, or vandalism. Inexperienced safety measures can delay your project, leading to missed deadlines and spiraling costs. On the flip side, inadequate safety protocols can result in severe injuries or even fatalities, exposing you to hefty liabilities and derailing your project.

A seasoned security team is essential. They don’t just guard your assets; they ensure that safety protocols are expertly implemented, balancing protection with efficiency. Investing in top-notch security means safeguarding both your investment and your project's success, preventing costly setbacks and ensuring smooth, timely completion.


Call Stratton Security Group at (424)440-5554 today.

✓ Access Control Guards

✓ On-Foot & Vehicle Patrol

✓ Inventory & Assets Oversight Guards

✓ Plain Clothed Security Officers

✓ 24/7 Protection


⁍ Establish secure perimeters, safeguard equipment, and mitigate risks

⁍ Combat copper theft and minimize project interruptions

⁍ Regulate contractor access and screen unfamiliar individuals through credential checks

⁍ Use both marked and unmarked vehicles, along with golf carts, for comprehensive site patrols

⁍ Conduct foot patrols, actively monitoring for fire and safety hazards

⁍ Shield assets, personnel, and visitors from potential threats

⁍ Implement advanced surveillance systems for real-time monitoring and alerts

⁍ Enforce site access controls to prevent unauthorized entry

⁍ Coordinate with local law enforcement to enhance security measures

⁍ Conduct regular security audits and risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities

⁍ Provide rapid response teams for immediate incident management

⁍ Control the homeless population around the construction site and notify the supervisor of any hazards.

⁍ Patrolling Building Site - Avoid Graffiti and End Unauthorized Visits

⁍ Offer customized security solutions tailored to your project's specific needs


Comprehensive Security Procedures

Our security personnel follow meticulously developed procedures, crafted in collaboration with project managers and site staff. These protocols cover every scenario, from clearance levels to emergency responses, ensuring a strategic and efficient approach to site security.

Selection & Training

We meticulously select security personnel with the highest standards of integrity and intelligence. Our training program, tailored to the construction environment, covers access control, site patrols, and detecting internal theft. Officers are trained in both conventional and covert security measures to safeguard against all potential threats.

Law-Enforcement Liaison

Our security team maintains a strong partnership with local law enforcement, ensuring continuous communication about incidents and threats. By staying updated on local crime trends and monitoring other sites, we effectively counteract risks such as theft and arson, providing a secure environment for your project.

Technology Integration

We enhance site security with advanced technology, including high-definition surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and real-time monitoring. Our cutting-edge access control systems, such as biometric scanners and RFID, ensure only authorized personnel access sensitive areas. Data analytics further streamline operations, allowing for proactive risk management and a comprehensive security overview.